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Initial Treatment
Initial ketamine treatments are generally condensed into a 6-8 week period that is known as the loading phase. Initially, during the loading phase of treatment, you will receive a series of intramuscular injections (IM) in the soft part of your shoulder with a tiny needle. We have developed and fine tuned this series of injections based on thousands of injections and client feedback. Our primary goal is always safety and rapidly relieving
You will receive up to 2 injections per office visit for a total of 4-6 office visits and a series of approximately 8-12 injections that are spread out over the course of 4-6 weeks. However, the frequency of visits can vary widely pending on severity of symptoms. This series of injections can build on each other based on your response to treatment and ensuring your safety in outpatient clinical setting. We will also closely monitor your relief, safety, and tolerance to each dose. We have found this series of injections spread out to have the best outcomes for our clients with relief & safety as our primary goal.
It has been clinically shown during the initial loading phase of treatment that serial IM injections (injections that are close together over 4-6 weeks) has the best clinical outcome and are more effective when one initially starts ketamine injection therapy.
Maintenance Treatment
The majority of clients that do have a significant positive response to ketamine injections approximately (70-80%) may require maintenance (booster) injections that can vary greatly from client to client. Some clients requiring monthly maintenance injections while others can go much longer and some may be less. The maintenance protocol truly varies based on the clients initial response to treatment with the primary goal of progressing into longer intervals between maintenance/booster treatments.
Ketamine Injection Prices
2 injection given over the course of approximately 1.5hrs for a psychiatric condition is
$400 total per office visit
Your office visit includes:
A consultation with a licensed ketamine specialist at each appointment to ensure we are optimizing your treatment plan and goals and a psychiatric assessment to assess for refractory or treatment resistant depression
1.5hrs or more of closely monitored in office time where the licensed specialist or trained medical assistant is administering the medicine and monitoring your vital signs, mentation, safety, and overall response to the ketamine therapy.
Your first initial injection will typically start at a low to moderate dose to ensure safety and assess how you respond to the ketamine. your next injections may be increased to maximize your symptom relief based on your initial response.
There will be an initial discussion of dosing and frequency of treatments that work for you with safety always in mind
We want to ensure you're working closely with a therapist, psychiatrist or primary care provider and have a solid treatment plan that fits your unique needs as this is a very important to ensure the best outcomes.
We encourage you to bring a family member or support person you feel safe with if you have high anxiety or trauma and need extra support during your sessions. Safety is key at our clinic, and we stress this to all our clients and staff. Please no animals as that clients and staff have allergies and may be afraid of animals as well.
At Ketamine West we want our clients to know that as an outpatient clinic we prioritize their safety and well-being. Therefore, we will never administer large or reckless doses of ketamine, ensuring the highest standards of care and safety for both clients and staff.
State Medicaid: Currently, we're only taking Health First Colorado state Medicaid for insurance as they're willing to cover the treatments at 100% of the cost unlike the Rocky Mountain Health Prime Plan, who refuse to contract with us.
Before booking, please call us with your full name and date of birth to our secure line at 970 427 4400 and we can quickly check what Medicaid plan you're on and how to proceed if you are on the Prime plan.
If you are on the prime plan you can likely opt out by following the steps below in black writing.
Private Insurance: Sadly, we attempted to work with quite a few commercial insurers but unfortunately it often resulted in claim denials and countless hours on the phone so we our only working with Health First Medicaid (not the prime plan) at this time.
Please do not attempt to sign up with any other insurance other than Health First Colorado state Medicaid (no prime plans) or we will have to cancel your appointment immediately
Sadly, Rocky Mountain Health Plans Prime is unwilling to contract with us despite our best and numerous efforts to work with them
However, you can likely opt out of the prime. Most of our clients have done this with great success to get 100% of treatments covered. To get on state Medicaid you can call enrollment services for Medicaid by following these steps or contact us directly for help at 970 427 4400!
1. Call 888 367 6557 and press 1 (if the 888 number does not work try: 303 839 2120)
2. Give them your current RMHP Prime Policy # which is a letter followed by 6 numbers.
3. tell them you want to opt out of the Prime but stay on the Rocky Mountain Health Plan region one just not the prime plan!
4. If they tell you that you're past your 90 day open enrollment and have to wait tell the new year tell them per their policy on "Good Cause" that you would like to opt out due to:
The Prime Plan does not cover ketamine treatments for injections in this area (IM & IV are the gold standard)
you can't find any other provider in this area who takes your Medicaid & administers Injections or Infusions (gold standard) for ketamine treatments using your prime plan
5. They should allow you to opt out of prime by the 1st of the next month.
6. Once you're opted out of the prime plan, your plan should change from prime to regular RMHP on the 1st day of the coming month and hopefully get ketamine fully covered!